Sunday, 20 December 2020

Saturday, 19 December 2020

On Punterization


I never coined the words. My early research on it concludes it was seemingly coined anonymously on social media in Australia. 

Refuse to let them treat you like a dipstick - Archived Source 

Bent Society No 1.

 The Bent Society is back in business!

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Shameless delusional and nasty plagiarists in the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society


Thursday, 23 January 2020

The Patrick Matthew Paradigm Change is Upon us in 2020

Further confirmatory evidence for the paradigm change of Matthew over Darwin and Wallace, of facts over fanatical Darwinite claptrap, of ethics over harassment, lies, plagiarism and stupidity

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Darwin's Lads Go Raving Bonkers: This sort of idiotic self-predatory thing is sadly normal when a paradigm change occurs

We know that certain folk behave badly when their paradigm bubble is popped with new found facts

In the interests of science here is a link to independently verifiable evidence of fierce reaction to the newly unearthed facts that prove Darwin and Wallace were both plagiarizers and serial liars. Neither independently discovered Patrick Matthew's prior published theory. Click Here

Friday, 3 January 2020

When they know they are wrong I hope that most people admit it. When scientists know they are wrong I would expect them to trumpet it from the rooftops. In reality, most people and cowardly scientists are a disappointment in that regard. Therefore, when one does trumpet their acknowledgment of the new facts from the rooftops we should re-trumpet their bravery.