Monday 15 April 2024

Science Fraud Book

 Available from Curtis Press. At Curtis Press use the code suttonsites24 for a 40% discount on this book

Readers of this website can buy a copy of Science Fraud at a 40% discount off the current retail price. The book provides all the independently verifiable data, supported by academic references to sources, that proves both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace plagiarised the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Visit the publisher's website Curtis Press and use the code suttonsites24 to get this deal at checkout before paying.

Sunday 12 November 2023

BMJ on the Spinach decimal Point Error Myth


The Spinage Supermyth Positively Affirmed as a Problem in Science in the British Medical Journal

 I am delighted to see the importance of the Spinach Supermyth, which I (Dr Mike Sutton) discovered in 2009, is now positively affirmed as a problem in the British medical Journal in 2023. The free PDF of that important article is available to download HERE

The BMJ page on it is HERE (archived HERE)

Thursday 12 January 2023

The Darwin Fraud Exposed

Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace were plagiarists and theory thieves. This is the biggest science scandal the world has ever seen

Click the video icon above to watch the bombshell video. 

Saturday 12 March 2022

What on Earth?

 You couldn't make it up. Err, I mean the fact this is in a newspaper, not the made up nonsense Here

The un-archived source Here

Thursday 18 March 2021

Saturday 13 March 2021

Boris is our earole


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